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Father's Day Edition 💖 


A card with the words "Papa" written on it.


You can decide for yourself whether you stick the font on a card and draw a colored background around the font (like above), or you would rather take the card and design the free font.


No matter what you decide, the card will be great and your dad will definitely be very happy about this attention.


Size DIN A6



Please the Instructions Be sure to read through when using the plain colored stencil. 



Photo source: Plain Colorful

Errors excepted!

Simply colorful stencil “Card Papa”

PriceFrom €4.80
Sales Tax Included
Out of Stock
  • The motifs may contain minor deviations from the pictures. 

    Depending on the production process, there may be adhesive residue on the stencil. It is not a reason for a complaint as it cannot always be avoided.

    The self-adhesive stencils can be used multiple times. Carefully rinse off any paper and paint residue under running water. Always stick it back onto the carrier film and store it away from dust. Under no circumstances treat with heat (hot air dryer). Protect from sun rays and heat.

    If you have your own desired motifs, please feel free to contact me.

    The self-adhesive stencils are designed and manufactured in every detail by Schlichtbunt. Any attempts at copying will be punished.

    Photo source: Simply colorful/ Errors excepted!

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